Complaints Woldring Location in black book ROOD cannot be solved due to lack of information - Woldring Verhuur Complaints Woldring Location in black book ROOD cannot be solved due to lack of information - Woldring Verhuur

Complaints Woldring Location in Blackbook ROOD cannot be solved due to lack of information

By Jorin Onclin - Posted on 23-06-2021

Last April 13th, Woldring Verhuur received a blackbook from ROOD, the local youth branch of the SP. After research, it appears that these complaints can only be solved on an individual level. Due to anonymous processing and lack of information provided by ROOD, they cannot be solved at this time alone.

This is confirmed by Woldring United BV. The landlord has made several attempts to find out which apartment is the subject of which complaint by himself and through ROOD. However, up until today no tenant has reported a complaint corresponding to the blackbook. In fact, the landlord only received compliments on how the situation was handled.

It was also striking that the black book contained a huge number of errors and duplications. Moreover, after reading the book, it had to be concluded that many complaints had already been resolved in the past and that the black book was no longer up to date at the time it was handed over.

Because Woldring considers the quality of living conditions to be of paramount importance, several attempts were made to contact ROOD. In the conclusion of the black book, ROOD offered to help connect the anonymous complaint to the right tenant. However, according to ROOD, this promise could not be kept due to AVG regulations and the tenants' right to privacy. That is why ROOD promised to start its own survey in order to measure the extent to which the complaints were still open. These open complaints would then be brought to the attention of Woldring's management. However, after more than 2 months, nothing concrete has come out of this.

However, during this period there was a report in the media that ROOD had passed on these complaints to the 'Meldpunt Ongewenst Verhuurgedrag'. Woldring Verhuur has still not received any concrete complaints from this reporting point either. Woldring is disappointed that there is still a lack of clarity for the organization and that there are probably tenants whose complaints cannot be addressed due to this working method. Therefore, the housing agent calls upon tenants with outstanding complaints to contact their landlord themselves, so that outstanding complaints can still be resolved as quickly as possible.