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Woldring Location goes green with Save Lodge
By Jorin Onclin - Posted on 09-05-2022

This summer, we are conjuring up Save Lodge Around the fence above the parking garage we realize a plant wall with stacked flower boxes made of plastic waste mix.
We will fill these containers with substrate and thousands of plants, and above them will be a pergola with climbing plants and LED light strings.To make it visual, city architect developed Willem Jakobs of City Grass above artist impression.
This project combines circular construction with climate adaptation, saving thousands of kilograms of residual mix plastic waste from the furnace, fermenting 30,000 liters of green waste into substrate for the flower boxes, and utilizing surface water for irrigation, thus not only bringing atmosphere and living pleasure to residents, but also helping to solve the plastic waste problem.
In June 2022, we will begin the first work.More information about this project can be read at the website of Save Lodge.